Multiple projects, ctrl shift b not showing other project


Trying to create one workspace which contains both my STM projects (the firmware project, a bootloader project, and some shared libraries (my own uart lib for now).

I created the following structure:

|-- firmware
     |-- platformio.ini
     |-- regular folders (src/include/lib)
|-- bootloader
     |-- platformio.ini
     |-- regular folders (src/include/lib)
|-- shared

The problem is, when I press ctrl+shift+b, my newly added bootloader project does not appear.
When I open a pio terminal, and navigate to either project, I can without problems with pio run.

I did observe that ctrl+shift+b seems to populate the options with whatever is described in .vscode/tasks.json. This file and folder only exist for my initial “firmware project”. My newly added bootloader project, does not contain the .vscode folder.

I tried regenerating the bootloader project (pio project init) but that doesn’t seem to do anything.
Also simply reopening the workspace doesn’t magically solve my problem.

My platformio.ini’s should be fine.


platform = ststm32
board = nucleo_f446ze
framework = stm32cube
debug_tool = stlink
debug_build_flags = -O2 -g -ggdb
debug_init_break = tbreak loop
lib_extra_dirs = 
lib_deps = 


platform = ststm32
board = nucleo_f446ze
framework = stm32cube
debug_tool = stlink
debug_build_flags = -O2 -g -ggdb
debug_init_break = tbreak loop
lib_extra_dirs = 
lib_deps = 

Who can help me out?

Here a screenshot if my ascii art is too lame


Just created a new workspace from scratch and added two projects via platformio home/new project.

It gives me somewhat the same situation. Two folders are added to the workspace. Now they however do both contain a .vscode.

I added a main.cpp for each project (project ‘test’ and project ‘test2’).

But I end up with the exact same problem, I can only build ‘test’ from the VScode.

Ah I need to switch project with project switcher. Then restart VScode, and then it works.

A shame that vscode/platformio build task population does not work in a different way. That it would detect projects automatically so that I wouldn’t have to switch projects.

But problem solved anyway.