Today I created a new PlatformIO project and noticed two PlatformIO icons in the sidebar. Then I closed the project and VSCode and after I opened it again everything was normal as before - there was only one PlatformIO icon.
But as soon as I clicked it one more PlatformIO icon showed again.
Seems as one icon opens PLATFORMIO: QUICK ACCESS (which is as was before) and the other one (which is new) opens PLATFORMIO: PROJECT TASKS.
I don’t rememer seeing more than one PlatformIO icon before and I have some old screenshots where I can see only one icon.
I am not sure where PLATFORMIO: PROJECT TASKS were before but I think they were somewhere at the bottom of the window.
Was that change caused by some recent VSCode or/and PlatformIO update?
Here are side by side screenshots. The first screenshot is after starting VSCode, the second one is after clicking the PlatformIO icon and the last one is after clicking the “new” PlatformIO icon.