Multiple instances of the same library / "unregister" a library

A couple of weeks ago, I registered the following library to the platformIO repository : PlatformIO Registry

Then I made changes and restricted the compatibility (platforms: “atmelavr” instead of “*”). I pushed the new release on github and I waited for update to be available on platformIO.

After a couple of hours, I was still not able to see the new release in the libraries section of the web site. So I thought that I had to register the library again. I did this and now the library is available twice:

I need help from the community concerning the following questions:

  • What is the best way to push a new version of a library to the plaftormIO repository ?
  • Is it possible to “unregister” a library and remove it from the plaftormIO repository ?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

– Jacques.

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PlatformIO Library Crawler checks libraries each 24hours. We have a separate issue for that:

No need to do additional steps. Please wait 24h or ask here us to force update of your library when it is critical.

Yes, I’ve just unregistered duplicated library.

P.S: Sorry for the incoveniences.

Also, I see that your library has an example and it is not listed on the registry. Please add examples field to the manifest with the next content:

    "examples": "examples/*.ino"

Thank you. I will add some examples.

Thank you very much for you reply.

If you want to keep your examples compatible with Arduino IDE, you need place each example in the same directory as the name of your sketch. PlatformIO or PlatformIO IDE doesn’t require that. For exampe, examples/mydemo/mydemo.ino.

If you will have Arduino IDE examples strucutre, then you don’t need to define examples field in the library.json. PlatformIO Library Crawler understands it automatically.

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@supcik So unregistering a library is only possible by asking it from a moderator? There’s no command available for it?

It seems so. On the other hand (as far as I know) there is no authentication mechanism on the repository, so there is no way to be sure that only the author can unregister a library.

Perhaps something to discuss for a future release.

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