I discovered a strange difference buiding with espressif32@5.1.1 and espressif32@6.5.0
To explain the problem I made this small exemple.
platform = espressif32 ;@5.1.1
board = mhetesp32minikit
framework = espidf
here are the various files:
int test_int;
void foo();
#include "test.h"
void foo() {}
#include "test.h"
void app_main()
main.c is in the src folder
test is in the lib folder
If I buid with @5.1.1 no error
With @6.5.0 I get the multiple definition error on test_int which I guess is normal
the variable should be declared in test.c or defined as an extern variable.
The question is why is there no error buiding with the @5.1.1 ??
I did not test all the intermediate version between these two to see where it starts.
may be a change in the compiler or the linker.
Thanks a lot