So far this looks great and I’m still learning my way around, but I wanted to ask about more ESP8266 support. I see I can choose an ESP board and write arduino code for it but…
Are there plans to add RTOS, nonOS SDK, LUA, mPython frameworks?
I’m really hoping this is my go-to tool so I don’t have to juggle all these different toolchains and project configurations myself!
Did I miss these somewhere? Are they in the works? Expected when? How can I help or nudge?
We contacted with Espressif and asked to help us in the further integration their products with PlatformIO ecosystem. We will keep our community in touch.
It depends on the in which way you are going to help us. You can create build scripts for PlatformIO Build System as for the tools described above.
Also, you can post a bounty on the specified issue and other developers will resolve it.