MD_MIDIFile library is stuck on version 2.5 (v2.5.1 is missing)

For some reason PlatformIO does not seem to be picking up the latest release of the MD_MIDIFile library for Arduino.

The Arduino IDE’s “Library Manager” shows the latest MD_MIDIFile version is v2.5.1. It also shows older versions available:

  • v2.5.1 (new)
  • v2.5.0
  • v2.4.0

But PlatformIO still thinks the latest release is v2.5.

This is may be the same root cause as a version release problem with the SimpleSerialShell library.

In both cases, the base branches were renamed from “master” to “main”. Base Arduino and PlatformIO pick up tagged releases slightly differently.

Can we get the latest v2.5.1 release?

Thank you for your help.


Then it probably needs manual intervention again by the CEO, @ivankravets :smiley:

Yes, this is the reason why the library was not synced. I still do not understand why do people follow that stupid hype with “master/main”, and break their repositories. These words will not make this world better if we don’t respect each other. What is more, this activity with renaming branches makes only problems.

P.S: The manifest URL was updated from “master” to “main”. The library is also synced now PlatformIO Registry

I can see MD_MIDIFile v2.5.1 library now.

Thank you for the update!

– philj404