Marlin does no longer compile

A few days ago I compiled Marlin for a SGN L V1 baord and everything worked fine. Then I tried to flash a TFT35 screen with minor success…

Now I tried tho compile Marlin again and I am getting the following issue:

Building in release mode

Unable to find destination disk (Autodetect Error)
Please select it in platformio.ini using the upload_port keyword (linkremoved  section_env_upload.html) or copy the firmware (.pio/build/LPC1768/firmware.bin) manually to the appropriate disk
> Executing task in folder Marlin-bugfix-2.0.x: linkremoved  run <

Processing LPC1768 (platform: linkremoved  /archive/; board: nxp_lpc1768; framework: arduino)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tool Manager: Installing toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ >=1.90000
Tool Manager: Warning! More than one package has been found by toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ >=1.90000 requirements:        
 - platformio/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ 1.50401.210106
 - maxgerhardt/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ 1.40903.0
Tool Manager: Please specify detailed REQUIREMENTS using package owner and version (showed above) to avoid name conflicts
Unpacking  [####################################]  100%
Tool Manager: toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ 1.90301.200702 has been installed!
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
CONFIGURATION: linkremoved nxplpc-arduino-lpc176x/nxp_lpc1768.html
PLATFORM: NXP Arduino LPC176x (0.1.3) > NXP LPC1768
HARDWARE: LPC1768 100MHz, 31.97KB RAM, 464KB Flash
DEBUG: Current (jlink) On-board (cmsis-dap) External (blackmagic, jlink)
 - framework-arduino-lpc176x 0.2.6
 - toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi 1.90301.200702 (9.3.1)
Converting Marlin.ino
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ off, Compatibility ~ strict
Found 1 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
Dependency Graph 
|-- <Servo> 1.0.0
Building in release mode

Unable to find destination disk (Autodetect Error)
Please select it in platformio.ini using the upload_port keyword ( or copy the firmware (.pio/build/LPC1768/firmware.bin) manually to the appropriate disk

Linking .pio\build\LPC1768\firmware.elf
c:/users/m/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: region RAM overflowed with stack
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio\build\LPC1768\firmware.elf] Error 1 
================================================================================================= [FAILED] Took 163.69 seconds =================================================================================================

Environment    Status    Duration
-------------  --------  ------------
LPC1768        FAILED    00:02:43.689
============================================================================================= 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:02:43.689 =============================================================================================The terminal process "linkremoved  'run'" terminated with exit code: 1.

Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.

linkremoved because I am a new user.

I have already deleted the C:\Users\<user>\.platformio\ folder reinstalled everything and removed some Win updates…

Thanks a lot!

The linker refuses to link the firmware since it would need to much RAM.

This is usually the case if Marlin configurations are altered / more features are added which don’t fit.

You can try the LPC1768 → Clean project task and then a new build to try and rebuild the firmware. If it fails with the same error, then you must have modified the configurations or the source code was altered or the toolchain is altered so that it doesn’t fit anymore.

Looking at this also a wrongly-picked toolchain version may be the culprit here. But please try the above thing first.

Now it is working. No idea what it was exactly. Computer restart, a an issue wit the toolchain, a mixture of 2 different projects or just a bug in in Configuration.h with the EEPROM.