Marlin compile fail board/board.h: No such file or directory

I am having issues compiling Marlin 2.0.x form my malyan M200 printer and I have discussed it with guys over at Marlin forum but it all points to broken dependencies further down the line. Can anyone give me pointers in how to fix these error messages.
thank you

Processing STM32F103CB_malyan (platform: ststm32; board: malyanM200; framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
PLATFORM: ST STM32 6.0.0 > Malyan STM32F103CB (20k RAM. 128k Flash)
HARDWARE: STM32F103CB 72MHz, 20KB RAM, 128KB Flash
PACKAGES: toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi 1.70201.0 (7.2.1), framework-arduinoststm32-maple 1.10000.190819 (1.0.0)
Converting Marlin.ino
Warning! Cannot find linker script for the current target!

LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 33 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
Dependency Graph
|-- <Adafruit MAX31865 library> 1.0.3
|-- <Arduino-L6470> 0.8.0
|-- <SailfishLCD>
|-- <SailfishRGB_LED>
|   |-- <Wire> 1.0
|-- <SlowSoftI2CMaster>
|-- <STM32ADC> 1.0
|-- <USBComposite for STM32F1> 0.91
|-- <EEPROM>
|-- <Wire> 1.0
Building in release mode
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\HardwareSerial.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\HardwareTimer.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\IPAddress.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\Print.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\Stream.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\WString.cpp.o
C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\HardwareTimer.cpp:32:10: fatal error: board/board.h: No such file or directory
 #include <board/board.h>           // for CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND
compilation terminated.
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\avr\dtostrf.c.o
In file included from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\HardwareSerial.h:39:0,
                 from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\HardwareSerial.cpp:33:
C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\boards.h:39:10: fatal error: board/board.h: No such file or directory
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\cxxabi-compat.cpp.o
 #include <board/board.h>
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\ext_interrupts.cpp.o
          ^~~~~~~~~~Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\hooks.c.o
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\itoa.c.o
Compiling .pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\libmaple\adc.c.o
compilation terminated.
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\HardwareTimer.cpp.o] Error 1
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\HardwareSerial.cpp.o] Error 1
In file included from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple/wirish.h:54:0,
                 from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple/Arduino.h:30,
                 from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\IPAddress.cpp:20:
C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple/boards.h:39:10: fatal error: board/board.h: No such file or directory
 #include <board/board.h>
compilation terminated.
In file included from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\wirish.h:54:0,
                 from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\Arduino.h:30,
                 from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\Stream.cpp:23:
C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple/boards.h:39:10: fatal error: board/board.h: No such file or directory
 #include <board/board.h>
compilation terminated.
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\Stream.cpp.o] Error 1
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\IPAddress.cpp.o] Error 1
In file included from C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\ext_interrupts.cpp:38:0:
C:\users\blabla\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\cores\maple\boards.h:39:10: fatal error: board/board.h: No such file or directory
 #include <board/board.h>
compilation terminated.
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103CB_malyan\FrameworkArduino\ext_interrupts.cpp.o] Error 1

I’ve edited your question to properly format the output. Without the formatting, it’s very hard to read and some text is swallowed, e.g. text between angular brackets as it is assumed to be an HTML tag. Next time, please format it yourself using the </> icon in the editor.


Seems like recent ststm32 versions have refactored the board definition for the Maylan board, it’s not called malyanM200 anymore but malyanm200_f103cb (see source). So first thing I’d try changing

to use

board = malyanm200_f103cb
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Oh I actually saw that they’re using a custom board directory. Still, their definition file is outdated for the most recent Arduino-STM32 core.

As you can see here

They use

    "variant": "malyanM200",

however the variant folder is now called differently in the core

namely MALYANM200_F103CB.

So you can locally the malyanM200.json file to incorporate that change while keeping the board = malyanM200 in the platformio.ini to see if that works better.

If things still don’t work I’d suggest using an older ststm32 platform version which uses in turn an older STM32 Arduino Core version. See documentation and release versions.


Hi, Thanks. Excuse firsttimer mistake.

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Thanks for your pointers what I have done I created malyanm200_f070cb.json in Boards dir.
in platformio.ini I have created # Malyan M200 V2 (STM32F070CB)

    platform = ststm32
    board = malyanm200_f070cb
    build_flags = !python Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/ -DMCU_STM32F070CB -D __STM32F1__=1 -std=c++1y -D MOTHERBOARD="BOARD_MALYAN_M200" -DSERIAL_USB -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections
    src_filter  = ${common.default_src_filter} +<src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1>
    lib_ignore  = Adafruit NeoPixel, LiquidCrystal, LiquidTWI2, TMCStepper, U8glib-HAL, SPI

and id went way better but still lot of error and loads of warnings:
:thinking: hmmm I don’t know how to attach compiler log

well here is at least few:

    In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\SPI.cpp:34:0:
    Compiling .pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\onboard_sd.cpp.o
    Compiling .pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\persistent_store_eeprom.cpp.o
    Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1/SPI.h:28:10: fatal error: libmaple/libmaple_types.h: No such file or directory
    Compiling .pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\persistent_store_flash.cpp.o
     #include <libmaple/libmaple_types.h>
    compilation terminated.
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\SPI.cpp.o] Error 1
    In file included from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\system\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\Inc/stm32f0xx_hal_rcc.h:45:0,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\system\STM32F0xx/stm32f0xx_hal_conf_default.h:203,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\system\STM32F0xx/stm32f0xx_hal_conf.h:13,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\system\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\Inc/stm32f0xx_hal.h:46,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\system\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F0xx\Include/stm32f0xx.h:222,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\stm32/stm32_def.h:26,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\stm32/clock.h:43,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\wiring_time.h:23,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\wiring.h:38,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\Arduino.h:32,
                     from C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\wiring_pulse.cpp:19:
    C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\stm32/backup.h: In function 'void enableBackupDomain()':
    C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\system\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\Inc/stm32f0xx_hal_rcc.h:774:48: warning: conversion to void will not access object of type 'volatile uint32_t {aka volatile long unsigned int}'
                                             UNUSED(tmpreg); \
    C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\system\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\Inc/stm32f0xx_hal_def.h:87:27: note: in definition of macro 'UNUSED'
     #define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x))
    C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\cores\arduino\stm32/backup.h:82:5: note: in expansion of macro '__HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE'
    In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:36:0,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\HAL.cpp:30:
    Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\HAL.cpp.o] Error 1
    In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:36:0,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\HAL_SPI.cpp:35:
    Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\HAL_SPI.cpp.o] Error 1
    In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:36:0,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\Servo.cpp:26:
    Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\Servo.cpp.o] Error 1
    In file included from e:\documents\platformio\marlin\marlin\src\hal\hal_stm32f1\hal.h:36:0,
                     from e:\documents\platformio\marlin\marlin\src\hal\hal.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\dogm\../../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\dogm\u8g_com_stm32duino_fsmc.cpp:29:
    e:\documents\platformio\marlin\marlin\src\hal\hal_stm32f1\fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    In file included from e:\documents\platformio\marlin\marlin\src\hal\hal_stm32f1\hal.h:36:0,
                     from e:\documents\platformio\marlin\marlin\src\hal\hal.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\dogm\../../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\dogm\u8g_com_stm32duino_swspi.cpp:21:
    e:\documents\platformio\marlin\marlin\src\hal\hal_stm32f1\fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:36:0,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\persistent_store_eeprom.cpp:23:
    Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\dogm\u8g_com_stm32duino_fsmc.cpp.o] Error 1
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\dogm\u8g_com_stm32duino_swspi.cpp.o] Error 1
    In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:36:0,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\persistent_store_flash.cpp:32:
    Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/HAL.h:36:0,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/HAL.h:26,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:30,
                     from Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\onboard_sd.cpp:15:
    Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\../../inc/../HAL/./HAL_STM32F1/fastio.h:30:10: fatal error: libmaple/gpio.h: No such file or directory
     #include <libmaple/gpio.h>
    compilation terminated.
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\onboard_sd.cpp.o] Error 1
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\persistent_store_eeprom.cpp.o] Error 1
    *** [.pio\build\malyanm200_f070cb\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\persistent_store_flash.cpp.o] Error 1
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It seems to want to use the Maple STM32 core (GitHub - rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32: Arduino STM32. Hardware files to support STM32 boards, on Arduino IDE 1.8.x including LeafLabs Maple and other generic STM32F103 boards) and not the STM32Duino core (GitHub - stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32: STM32 core support for Arduino). The instructions above fix the variant for the STM32Duino core which however is the wrong one for Marlin :/. The file it can’t find is Arduino_STM32/STM32F1/system/libmaple/include/libmaple/libmaple_types.h at master · rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32 · GitHub.

Can you show your whole malyanm200_f070cb.json file? It should still use the maple core like in

The correct variant for that seems to be Arduino_STM32/STM32F1/variants/generic_stm32f103c at master · rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32 · GitHub (there is no specific “malyan” target)

1 Like

I did not have maple in the Json but still having those errors even after I add it see below

  "build": {
	"core": "maple",
    "cpu": "cortex-m0",
    "extra_flags": "-DSTM32F070xB",
    "f_cpu": "48000000L",
    "framework_extra_flags": {
      "arduino": "-DVECT_TAB_OFFSET=0x2000 -DCUSTOM_STARTUP_FILE"
    "mcu": "stm32f070cbt6",
    "variant": "MALYANM200_F070CB"
  "debug": {
    "jlink_device": "STM32F070CB",
    "openocd_target": "stm32f0x",
    "svd_path": "STM32F0xx.svd"
  "frameworks": [
  "name": "M200 V2",
  "upload": {
    "maximum_ram_size": 15168,
    "maximum_size": 122880,
    "protocol": "stlink",
    "protocols": [
  "url": "",
  "vendor": "Malyan"
1 Like

OK 1 second, here in platformio it said

so it’s a STM32F103C, but now you’re creating one for the STM32F070CB. Maple doesn’t even support F0 series chips though. Which exact chip is soldered on your target board?

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ok that might be an issue I STM32F070CB is soldered on the board.
I have changed platformio.ini to
platform = ststm32
board = malyanm200_f070cb

but I did not know it is not supported. So hmm what options do I have?

Well Marlin does support a HAL for F0 chips, targeting the STM32Duino core ( So the Marlin configuration might be wrong with configuring it with the HAL_STM32F1 package. I’ll have a look now.

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Where did you buy your printer from? You have a link?

Marlin seems to only know the STM32F103CB motherboard.

Also what Configuration.h are you using?

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I played around with Marlin a bit and fixed-up some stuff and definitions and I got it to compile for the malyanM200v2 board. It also needed some source code fixed. I copied the configuration files from Configurations/config/examples/Malyan/M200 at import-2.1.x · MarlinFirmware/Configurations · GitHub (there are also upgrade instructions for Arduino IDE there)

You can clone GitHub - maxgerhardt/Marlin at bugfix-2.0.x (use the bufix-2.0.x) branch and try compilation. Before that, you will have to delete one file (duplicate startup files):

Rename the C:\users\xmexj\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\variants\MALYANM200_F070CB\startup_M200_f070xb.S file to startup_M200_f070xb.txt. Then compilatin should give

pio run -e malyanm200v2

Checking size .pio\build\malyanm200v2\firmware.elf
Building .pio\build\malyanm200v2\firmware.bin
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
DATA:    [=====     ]  49.7% (used 8140 bytes from 16384 bytes)
PROGRAM: [========  ]  83.1% (used 108964 bytes from 131072 bytes)
============================ [SUCCESS] Took 47.62 seconds ============================

The tons of warnings come from the STM32 HAL which doesn’t play nice with the selected -std=gnu++11 though (c++ - stm32 hal library warning with C++14 & above - Stack Overflow).

Since I don’t have the board with me I cannot check if the firmware works correctly, but at least it compiles now for a STM32F070RB chip with the same motherboard definition as the STM32F103CB_malyan one.

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got the printer from Hobbyking

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all right it built ok with bunch of warnings. It looks like it updated the main board but the screen is still the same. did not update the screen and only Z axis move but that could be settings of some kind will investigate further later on.

If you have a cheap clone ST-Link programmer you can live-debug the firmware in e.g. VSCode. Double check all pin assignments from the configuration and pins and display

Meaning no output on the display?

1 Like

The display still shows old Malyan stuff. When I did the update it showed v99 on the screen but malyan controls still in place. I can sort of control it through it still but I was expecting to have marlin screen happening.

What exactly are these Malyan controls? It hasn’t updated the firmware correctly? I’d really get a cheap ST-Linkv2 clone (like 5€ delivered) and flahs it directly and live-debug it, so we know the right firmware is running on it.

yep will have to get the ST-link. Firmware did load but only into the Mainboard/ Motion Controller. The screen was still with malyan firmware.
After update I have connected it to via USB and PC installed usb cdc driver so that would be the first sign and during boot it shows V99 on the screen so I guess this is a second sign that marlin got loaded in but it is fairly unusable all I could get going is extruder feed and z axis. Connection to the PC via USB is highly unstable too.

Hi! I’ve been following your thread and I would be interested in bringing Marlin to run on this specific platform. Actually, I don’t own the same printer, but a MP Mini Delta, (AKA Malyan M300) though in the end uses the same STM32F070CBT.

There is a port of Marlin (1.1.0 though) for the MP Mini Delta: GitHub - mcheah/Marlin4MPMD: Fork of MarlinFW for use with Monoprice Mini Delta which could be useful.

Currently I’m waiting for an ST-linkv2 to arrive so I can debug (think also debrick if needed at some point…). Is there any way I could help you @myval? What steps would you take in order to make Marlin work on a new platform such as this @maxgerhardt?

Thank you for this thread, it is very helpful and informative!

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