Making diode blink when ESP32 connects to wifi

Hey,so im trying to connect my ESP32 to wifi but the output on serial monitor is keep spamming this-
[437561][E][WifiMulti.cpp:191] run(): [WIFI] no matching wifi found!
E (440578) wifi:AP has neither DSSS parameter nor HT Information, drop it
E (440594) wifi:AP has neither DSSS parameter nor HT Information, drop it
E (440676) wifi:AP has neither DSSS parameter nor HT Information, drop it
E (440709) wifi:AP has neither DSSS parameter nor HT Information, drop it
E (440726) wifi:AP has neither DSSS parameter nor HT Information, drop it
[441096][E][WifiMulti.cpp:191] run(): [WIFI] no matching wifi found!
Ive read that it might be because of outdated platform but i think im using the right one, here is what im using for my platform.ini-
platform = espressif32@5.1.0
board = nodemcu-32s
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 921600
Thx for help

From what I can gather online, this is a problem in espressif itself. It was fixed in version 5.0, but as you are using 5.1, it seems to still be a problem.

The full details are here from 2022 onwards, and this is the announcement of the fix in 5.0.

It may be that you will need to append to the issue to reflect that 5.1 seems to still have the problem.



I have fixed this error somehow,
First i tried to switch to original arduino IDE and than i noticed that there it works with different baud rate (115200).Also switched to simple password on my mobile hotspot to avoid problems, now it works on platformIO aswell

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