LittleFS Arduino ESP32


I am new user to this embedded IDE on VS. Making good progress :] in recent days. Finding my way around LittleFS. Unfortunately, one hiccup that I would like to resolve.

I can interact fine with the files in the littlefs partition. I am just using the default (4MB) partition with no prescriptive declaration in the .ini file. Where I am coming unstuck is how to create and upload the data image to the esp32. I can do this on the arduino ide but am struggling to replicate this on PIO.

Below is my .ini file:

platform = espressif32
board = esp-wrover-kit
framework = arduino
board_build.filesystem = littlefs

Thanks in advance.

This is mentioned in the documentation:

Does it give you an error when trying to upload the filesyste image?

Legend! Thanks for the response Max. It worked great.
