List all available environments

Hi, is there a command to show all the available environments?
I could read platform.ini, but it is very long and pure list of envs would be more readable.

Plus you would have to be very careful to take things like extra_configs into account.

Use pio project dump, pio project config or pio run --list-targets for this.

>pio run --list-targets
Environment     Group     Name         Title                        Description
--------------  --------  -----------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------
attiny167       Advanced  compiledb    Compilation Database         Generate compilation database `compile_commands.json`
attiny167       Generic   clean        Clean
attiny167       Platform  bootloader   Burn Bootloader
attiny167       Platform  fuses        Set Fuses
attiny167       Platform  size         Program Size                 Calculate program size
attiny167       Platform  upload       Upload
attiny167       Platform  uploadeep    Upload EEPROM

esp-wrover-kit  Advanced  compiledb    Compilation Database         Generate compilation database `compile_commands.json`
esp-wrover-kit  Generic   clean        Clean
esp-wrover-kit  Platform  buildfs      Build Filesystem Image
esp-wrover-kit  Platform  erase        Erase Flash
esp-wrover-kit  Platform  size         Program Size                 Calculate program size
esp-wrover-kit  Platform  upload       Upload
esp-wrover-kit  Platform  uploadfs     Upload Filesystem Image
esp-wrover-kit  Platform  uploadfsota  Upload Filesystem Image OTA

ATmega4809      Advanced  compiledb    Compilation Database         Generate compilation database `compile_commands.json`
ATmega4809      Generic   clean        Clean
ATmega4809      Platform  bootloader   Burn Bootloader
ATmega4809      Platform  fuses        Set Fuses
ATmega4809      Platform  size         Program Size                 Calculate program size
ATmega4809      Platform  upload       Upload

esp32dev        Advanced  compiledb    Compilation Database         Generate compilation database `compile_commands.json`
esp32dev        Generic   clean        Clean
esp32dev        Platform  buildfs      Build Filesystem Image
esp32dev        Platform  erase        Erase Flash
esp32dev        Platform  size         Program Size                 Calculate program size
esp32dev        Platform  upload       Upload
esp32dev        Platform  uploadfs     Upload Filesystem Image
esp32dev        Platform  uploadfsota  Upload Filesystem Image OTA
>pio project config
Computed project configuration for C:\Users\Max\Documents\PlatformIO\Projects\lib_path_repro
platform      =  atmelmegaavr
board         =  ATmega4809
build_flags   =  -DARDUINO_AVR_ATmega4809
framework     =  arduino
lib_ldf_mode  =  chain+
lib_deps      =  adafruit/Adafruit GFX Library @ ^1.10.7
                 adafruit/Adafruit BusIO @ ^1.7.3

platform           =  atmelavr
board              =  attiny167
framework          =  arduino
board_build.f_cpu  =  16000000L
build_flags        =  -D CLOCK_SOURCE=1

platform   =  espressif32
board      =  esp32dev
framework  =  arduino

platform      =  espressif32
board         =  esp-wrover-kit
framework     =  arduino
lib_ldf_mode  =  chain+
lib_deps      =  WiFi
                 ESP Async WebServer
                 ayushsharma82/AsyncElegantOTA @ ^2.2.5

You also get the list of available environments as a side-effect of specifying a wrong environment name

>pio run -e  what
Error: Unknown environment names 'what'. Valid names are 'attiny167, ATmega4809, esp32dev, esp-wrover-kit'

Thanks, I think I will go for this. I was hoping in a command like pio run --list-environments to output Valid names are 'attiny167, ATmega4809, esp32dev, esp-wrover-kit'