Linux issues resolved: but compiling espressif examples on Windows still fail

I’ve solved my problem compiling espidf examples on Linux thanks to the help of this forum.
Unfortunately the exact same setup won’t compile on Windows platform:

Checking Python dependencies...
- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
  File "C:\Users\thoma\.platformio\python37\lib\", line 177


I’ve found some hints:
Moving the project to c:\ didn’t help, a .git repo is available and git action works properly.
I had deleted the .platformio directory completely as well as the project related stuff e.g. .pio’
The latest version was reinstalled without any flaws.


platform =

board = nodemcu-32s

framework = espidf

board_build.mcu = esp32

board_build.f_cpu = 240000000L

monitor_speed = 115200

monitor_port = COM7

upload_port = COM7

#build_flags = -w

lib_deps = 

Is there an additional topic to take into account, what do I have overseen ?
Again thanks a lot for your help,
Regards Thomas

Hi Tom,

shows that error output of python interpreter has been re-routed to the file file. Maybe you want to look into that file to see what error exactly python throws. If it is the same as the git repo error, you just might have to re-point platformio to the correct libraries to get rid of the error (use e.g. lib_deps = <your library> for that).

Hi schallbert,
I’ve been checking all of the logs:

and the solution lies here

            message(FATAL_ERROR "Some Python dependencies must be installed. Check above message 

Build fails due to missing Python dependencies, but which are these ?
Simple: I have two Python version installed on the PC: 2.7x and 3.7x, and with the old version the toolchain doesn’t work.
And whats the difference to the Linux setup : on Linux I have only the latest Python version.
So I simply changed the Python path and now everythings works fine.
Thanks again,

Hi Tom,
nice solution!
For future projects, think about installing a virtual environment for python, e.g. venv - if not already in use - so that each project runs in an own environment with correct lib versions and dependencies.
That way, it becomes less likely to face module or python version based issues.