Hello, I’m almost totally new to this stuff, and recently bought a Lilygo ESP-32-S3 USB stick with display for a project; I need that precise screen size, because something larger would not phisically fit.
I have tried to upload some sketches to it, and despite showing “success”, the screen stays black (please see attached photo)
From factory, when I connect it to any USB port, it shows the LILYGO logo and the stats of the flash card and the LED in the back changes color and all that stuff; I thought that perhaps I did something wrong and fried or ruined it, but when I reinstalled the factory firmware with the .bat tool, it works again with the LILYGO demo (please see photo below)
Im using Visual Studio code, what am I doing wrong? Can you share a super simple sketch that displays text, like “hello world”, that displays text on the screen? the only thing I want is to make it work, that something appears on the screen, not just an empty…something. Or is this the wrong board to work with? Hopefully not, because it is the ideal size for my project.