Library Registry - Semantic Version Error

OK, thanks for your help, that seemed to clear up the original issue but when I run build I’m running into other issues with some of the dep_libs for my project. in particular, those that were not found in the library registry.

I downloaded the library in zip file format to my downloads directory, and then from the platformio cli I run the command:

pio pkg install -l “~/Downloads/”

I get an error

VCSBaseException: VCS: Unknown repository type ~/Downloads/

Unless another argument is needed for pio pkg install command, this seems to match what I’ve found on: How integrate external personal .zip libraries - #9 by jim2

Some questions I have about this method of library installation:

  1. Do I need to be in a specific project directory when I issue the pio pkg install command?
  2. If this install method is successful, does the library entry in plaformio.ini have the original .zip file extension?

Thanks again for the support!