After seeing this, I looked at my list of lib_deps in platformio.ini for the project and noted that one of the libraries was listed as:
Noting that this didn’t match similar syntax to other libraries, I simply removed the “cd” characters at the end of the line and saved the ini file.
Unfortunately this didn’t remove the issue. I’ve seen a similar issue posted on 16-April-2024 but no responses. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? It looks like I’m not the only one running into this issue when trying to build a project using the ESP32 board platform.
OK, thanks for your help, that seemed to clear up the original issue but when I run build I’m running into other issues with some of the dep_libs for my project. in particular, those that were not found in the library registry.
I downloaded the library in zip file format to my downloads directory, and then from the platformio cli I run the command:
pio pkg install -l “~/Downloads/”
I get an error
VCSBaseException: VCS: Unknown repository type ~/Downloads/
If the library is only available as ZIP file, you should unzip the content to the .lib folder. See README inside the lib folder:
This directory is intended for project specific (private) libraries.
PlatformIO will compile them to static libraries and link into executable file.
The source code of each library should be placed in an own separate directory
("lib/your_library_name/[here are source files]").
For example, see a structure of the following two libraries `Foo` and `Bar`:
| |
| |--Bar
| | |--docs
| | |--examples
| | |--src
| | |- Bar.c
| | |- Bar.h
| | |- library.json (optional, custom build options, etc)
| |
| |--Foo
| | |- Foo.c
| | |- Foo.h
| |