Library is not added to registry

Hello! I have some library here GitHub - GyverLibs/Settings: Простой конструктор вебморды для настроек esp8266/esp32
Can’t find it in PIO registry, all other libs were added automatically. Maybe I’m missing something?

Anybody? @ivankravets help :slight_smile:

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You have to register the library yourself.

See pio pkg publish — PlatformIO latest documentation

p.s. It would be nice if the library documentation and source code comments were in international English so that everyone can read and understand them.

Hi Alex,

The auto-import of Arduino libraries into the registry is obsolete and works in a very strict mode. If there is a library with the same name in the registry, the auto-import ignores it. See

The recommended way is to publish the library manually using pio pkg publish — PlatformIO latest documentation

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