Library : AsyncTCP_RP2040W is installed automatically

Hello everyone,
I come to you because I have a problem with a library : AsyncTCP_RP2040W
my environment :
firebeetle 2 esp-e
platformioIO with VScode
arduinoIDE 2.3.3
I use PlatformIO and ArduinoIDE in their last versions.
With ArduinoIDE I am no problem. But with Platformio yes.

I deleted it from lib_deps, or added a lib_ignore in the Platfomio.ini, it reinstates itself all the time and it is chosen by default. Excluding this library does not correspond to my esp32 and my code and I have error messages with the Asynnctcp library associated
I want to use the same as with ArduinoIDE: Me-No-Dev /
and/or configure the LDF.

I also tested to copy the Arduino libraries to the Lib of Platformio, modify lib_dir, lib_extra_dirs, lib_deps, but nothing.
What to do to solve the problem?
Thank you for your help!

Change the lib_deps of your platformio.ini to

lib_deps =

Perform a full clean (PIO / Project Tasks / General / Full Clean)

The correct AsyncTCP library is linked via library.json
If you still have issues please show the content of your platformio.ini.

thanks you,
now it’s working .
I don’t understand because i have ever written like this. But it’s ok, maybe syntax.