J-Link debugger gets stuck during init() method

I am trying to use a J-Link EDU Mini to debug a MKR WIFI 1010.
I wired up the two boards based on this information https://wiki.segger.com/Arduino_MKR_WiFi_1010

I tried to follow the method outlined https://medium.com/@manuel.bl/arduino-in-circuit-debugging-with-platformio-9f699da57ddc but found out that I needed to use a custom server as outlined here J-LINK — PlatformIO latest documentation

my platforio.ini looks like

platform = atmelsam
board = mkrwifi1010
framework = arduino
lib_deps = arduino-libraries/WiFiNINA@^1.8.14
debug_port = :2331
debug_tool = jlink
debug_server =

I am used the MKR WIFI 1010 ‘Blink’ program which is running fine.

When I try to debug the application, the debugger stops in the arduino main.cpp method on the init() with a temporary breakpoint

The applicaton then runs to another temporary breakpoint at writing_digital.cpp, method diginalRead() line 113

  if ( (PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].IN.reg & (1ul << g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin)) != 0 )

The debug log contains

received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.

The debugger is now stuck at this point.

Another application will stop in the one of the internal methods called from the delay() function

received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
Removing breakpoint @ address 0x000025B4, Size = 2
Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00004774 (Data = 0x18E40123)
0x00004774 in micros () at /home/hangstrap/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-samd/cores/arduino/delay.c:58
58 return ((count+pend) * 1000) + (((SysTick->LOAD - ticks)*(1048576/(VARIANT_MCK/1000000)))>>20) ;

Please help

I’ve seen some stuff with SAMD21 debugging where, after debugging starts up, you actually need to press the green “Restar” button for it to function correctly.