It appears that the SAM4E Xplained Pro board is not supported directly by PlatformIO.

➜ sam4e-test platformio project init --board sam4e_xplained_pro

Usage: platformio project init [OPTIONS]
Try ‘platformio project init -h’ for help.

Error: Invalid value for ‘-b’ / ‘–board’: sam4e_xplained_pro. Please search for board ID using platformio boards command
➜ sam4e-test platformio project init --board samd21_xpro

Yes, no such board definition exists in platform-atmelsam/boards at develop · platformio/platform-atmelsam · GitHub.

However, there exists

So you can create the project with whatever board (e.g. Arduino Uno), then create a boards/ in the project folder and put the sam4e_xpro.json from the PR into it and say

platform = atmelsam
board = sam4e_xpro
framework = zephyr

and copy the zephyr folder from platform-atmelsam/examples/zephyr-blink at develop · platformio/platform-atmelsam · GitHub into your project

Hi @saidbenaissa
Do you have that board?, did you try my pr?,
I need some testers for the code