Is unclear from the specs how to use "pio lib install ..."

I used pio lib install 75 to donwload a library that I’m very fand of. Now I want to add it to my project but it’s a nebula on how to do it.

I’ve tried to add it platfomio.ini like this :

platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = pro16MHzatmega328
lib_use = 75

or like this :

platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = pro16MHzatmega328
lib_use = 75

But seems that is not linking the library in any way to my project. It’s just downloaded into C:\Users\[username]\.platformio\lib\Timer_ID75. due to pio lib install 75 I guess.

After some tries I end up coping it manually into the project lib directory, but is this how it was meant to be used?

What am I doing wrong ? Is a Windows-Only topic ?

Oh boy… my fault. I used #import instead of #include in the .ino file. Sorry for bothering you.

Also, if your project depends on specific lib it should look like lib_install = 75 in PlatformIO 2.0.