Is the PIO Debugger Open Source?


I am aware that the PIO Core became open source, and that the PIO Debugger is now free. Was the code for the debugger also published?


As far as i know it’s open source. But don’t expect a full-blown debugger as this is not what PlatformIO implements.

When you debug code on a micro controller, the typical setup is:

  • gnu - the GNU project debugger - is running and communicates with a gdbserver
  • OpenOCD is running. It implements the gdbserver protocol and communicates with your micro controller.
  • Visual Studio Code provides the debugger user interface (communicating with gdb).

And what does PlatformIO do? It provides all the glue:

  • Compiles your project in debug mode
  • Creates the launch configuration in Visual Studio Code
  • Downloads all the necessary software such as OpenOCD

Additionally, it contributes debugger views such as a memory view.


Plus the plugin code for VSCode is at GitHub - platformio/platformio-vscode-ide: PlatformIO IDE for VSCode: The next generation integrated development environment for IoT.

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