Integrate OTA with FreeRTOS on ESP32 using PlatformIO

Integrate FreeRTOS OTA into your own project on ESP32 using PlatformIO.

However, various dependencies and include files are unreferenced. The description in platformio.ini is as follows

platform = espressif32@3.0.0
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino

I have failed to include OTA in this project.
Please help me if anyone can figure it out.
I believe the following post is close to my problem. framework is different.

Sounds like ArduinoOTA is what you’re looking for:

Wow, 3.0.0 was released 3 years ago an is “outdated”
Current version is 6.5.0 (Arduino core 2.0.14)

I am very glad for your quick reply. Thank you.

I have tried ArduinoOTA. It has been successful.
But what I want to run is OTA using FreeRTOS.

I want to execute OTA from AWS management console.
For that I think I need FreeRTOS OTA, not ArduinoOTA.

Well than platform = espresif32 is the wrong platform (only supports Arduino and ESP-IDF framework)
and framwork = arduino is the wrong framework for you.

Looks like you want to use the AWS IoT Framework? Getting started with the Espressif ESP32-DevKitC and the ESP-WROVER-KIT - FreeRTOS

I don’t know if this is supported / available on platformio.
Maybe someone else can help you.

Thanks for your reply.

Yes …
I would like to use AWS IoT Framework.

The github you referred us to was previously referenced.
It is difficult to solve again.