Installation issues that are in the repo

ever since i made the mistake or updating platform io it cannot install…

but my question is …

there is a growing number of reported installation problems in the repo now greater than 90 with the same kinda install problems… is there someone that is gonna gave a look at any of these

my issue is that the suggestion that i have seen that seams to work is to uninstall python and platform io and vs code and reinstall

but i have 5 versions of python on my machine ( as im a developer and my clients all use different versions… uninstalling all these is not an option)

my only solution is to run it in a ubuntu virtual machine… and thats got issues too… so is ths issue gonna be resolved… any time soon??

Can you point to one specific issue and error message exactly that is 100% your problem?

If you are using VSCode as your PlatformIO IDE, then open up settings and search for “platformio python”. You will find, most likely, an option entitled “Use a portable python3 interpreter if available” and it will be checked. This means that PlatformIO is using a self-contained version of Python that was installed when you installed the PlatformIO extension.

Mine is installed into /home/norman/.platformio/penv/bin/python3 and is version 3.6.9 whereas my installed python 3 version is not! So, the 5 versions of Python which you have installed should be safe.

