Incorrect HWID for Unexpected Maker PROS3 board

When I don’t specify upload_port, there’s a warning that shows up with -v:

BeforeUpload(["upload"], ["build\esp32s3\firmware.bin"])

TimeoutError: Could not automatically find serial port for the `Unexpected Maker PROS3` board based on the declared HWIDs=['0X303A:80D0']

Auto-detected: COM15


pio device list



Hardware ID: USB VID:PID=303A:1001 SER=F4:12:FA:42:0C:20 LOCATION=1-10:x.0

Description: USB Serial Device (COM15)

USBDeview shows VendorID “303a” and ProductID “1001”. The serial number shows up on the “USB JTAG/serial debug unit” but not the “USB Serial Device”, which has the drive letter COM15.

While it doesn’t seem to cause a problem directly (in my experience), this is a configuration error that may have side effects and which should be corrected.

Assuming you use board = um_pros3, then you say

is wrong for the board.

Can you report that to Issues · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub? Does it work locally when you modify the C:\Users\<user>\.platformio\platforms\espressif32\boards\um_pros3.json file in regards to the wrong PID/VID?

I’ve changed the local “um_pros3.json” file to the following:

    "hwids": [

and get this warning:

TimeoutError: Could not automatically find serial port for the `Unexpected Maker PROS3` board based on the declared HWIDs=['0X303A:0X1001']
Auto-detected: COM15

Hm that’s weird. Does it work with

    "hwids": [


Yes, the lowercase “x” solved the problem and there is no warning when uploading without explicit upload_port when using the correct PID. I’ll pass this along in a GitHub issue. Thanks @maxgerhardt