Include path not found

In one of my projects I get the ‘Configure your IntelliSense settings to help find missing headers’ popup box with the buttons ‘… JSON’ and ‘…UI’. I hit the ‘UI’ button and arrived in the ‘C/C++ Configurations’ and found that the include path ‘C:/Users/niels/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/esp_hw_support/port/esp32/private_include’ was not to be found (it clearly doesn’t exist in the installation).
I have no ideer how/why this include path was introduced to the ‘C/C++ Configurations’ in the first place and the project has no build problems. So, should I raise a PR or just ignore and delete the include path?

I have the same problem. I tried adding $PROJECT_PACKAGES_DIR/framework-espidf/components/esp_hw_support/port/esp32s3/private_include to build_unflags in platformio.ini, but it didn’t help.

That directory continues to end up in c_cpp_properties.json, under both “include” and “browse”, which causes warnings, and which also appears to cause includes to show up as warnings.

Intellisense appears to just give up on all includes as a result. Most includes end up with blue under them, and the syntax highlighting indicates that Intellisense isn’t even following the includes at all.