I have an official RTOS SDK sample program of 8266. How can I import it into PIO

I downloaded the SDK based on RTOS on the official website. Now I want to import it into PIO for development and compilation. What should I do? Is there a relevant case

Due to outdated support of the ESP8266-RTOS-SDK, this is currently not possible with PlatformIO. See Outdated version of ESP8266 RTOS SDK · Issue #192 · platformio/platform-espressif8266 · GitHub.

Can you confirm my understanding of the present situation:

  1. I can develop using 1.5.0-beta.5 of the ESP8266 RTOS SDK
  2. Develop (not using PIO) following instructions at GitHub - espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK: Latest ESP8266 SDK based on FreeRTOS, esp-idf style..
    Is that correct?
    In other words, it is not possible to include the RTOS SDK by cloning the Github repo.

That is all correct.