HUSKYLENS library mismatch between PlatformIO and ArduinoIDE

Ubuntu v22.04.2

There seems to be a mismatch between the HUSKYLENS.h file provided by PlatformIO and ArduinoIDE.

  • The HuskyLens library.json in PlatformIO shows v1.0.0
  • The HuskyLens in ArduinoIDE shows v1.0.1

The HUSKYLENS.h file provided by the ArduinoIDE in Arduino->libraries->HUSKYLENS->HUSKYLENS.h has 1013 lines of code. The same file provided when adding the HUSKYLENS library to my project in PlatformIO has only 623 lines of code and is missing many functions.

When adding the library from PlatformIO, the library version drop down has only v1.0.0.

How do I get the latest version of the HUSKYLENS library from PlatformIO?

Just point to the .zip download of the repo.

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