How will the Sodaq Core be updated?

At the moment I see that platform_sodaq.json is of v1.6.18. And also cores is from v1.6.18, so I guess libraries and variants are from the version too.

The latest version from Sodaq is v1.6.20

How and/or when is this updated?

It’s best to directly ask in the respective github repository where the outdated files are. I opened Update Sodaq Arduino Core · Issue #93 · platformio/platform-atmelsam · GitHub to propse the update so that @ivankravets can have a look at it :slight_smile:

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Thanks, @maxgerhardt, I moved to Update Sodaq Arduino Core · Issue #93 · platformio/platform-atmelsam · GitHub

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Thanks for creating the issue. But I’m also curious in the process. How are these things updated? Is it all manual work?

Yes, if software vendor does not provide integration script with PlatformIO, we should do this manually on our side :frowning:

What kind of integration script do you want to see?


You can try to update this package in ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-samd-sodaq

Does it work?

It is not clear to me what I should do. Is there some kind of documentation? What commands should I use to build it?