How to use this struct? / Use original LittleFS Libary on ESP8266

Hey ^^,

first thanks for help :slight_smile:

I want to use a given struct out of another Liabry (LittleFS) (Link: GitHub - littlefs-project/littlefs: A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers)
however, i want to configure my filesystem with the given struct but i cant “use” it and i dont know why… the example don’t work (given on github site)

This is the struct (File: lfs.h → l. 150ff.)

struct lfs_config {
    // Opaque user provided context that can be used to pass
    // information to the block device operations
    void *context;

    // Read a region in a block. Negative error codes are propogated
    // to the user.
    int (*read)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block,
            lfs_off_t off, void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);

    // Program a region in a block. The block must have previously
    // been erased. Negative error codes are propogated to the user.
    // May return LFS_ERR_CORRUPT if the block should be considered bad.
    int (*prog)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block,
            lfs_off_t off, const void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);

    // Erase a block. A block must be erased before being programmed.
    // The state of an erased block is undefined. Negative error codes
    // are propogated to the user.
    // May return LFS_ERR_CORRUPT if the block should be considered bad.
    int (*erase)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block);

    // Sync the state of the underlying block device. Negative error codes
    // are propogated to the user.
    int (*sync)(const struct lfs_config *c);

    // Minimum size of a block read. All read operations will be a
    // multiple of this value.
    lfs_size_t read_size;

    // Minimum size of a block program. All program operations will be a
    // multiple of this value.
    lfs_size_t prog_size;

    // Size of an erasable block. This does not impact ram consumption and
    // may be larger than the physical erase size. However, non-inlined files
    // take up at minimum one block. Must be a multiple of the read
    // and program sizes.
    lfs_size_t block_size;

    // Number of erasable blocks on the device.
    lfs_size_t block_count;

    // Number of erase cycles before littlefs evicts metadata logs and moves 
    // the metadata to another block. Suggested values are in the
    // range 100-1000, with large values having better performance at the cost
    // of less consistent wear distribution.
    // Set to -1 to disable block-level wear-leveling.
    int32_t block_cycles;

    // Size of block caches. Each cache buffers a portion of a block in RAM.
    // The littlefs needs a read cache, a program cache, and one additional
    // cache per file. Larger caches can improve performance by storing more
    // data and reducing the number of disk accesses. Must be a multiple of
    // the read and program sizes, and a factor of the block size.
    lfs_size_t cache_size;

    // Size of the lookahead buffer in bytes. A larger lookahead buffer
    // increases the number of blocks found during an allocation pass. The
    // lookahead buffer is stored as a compact bitmap, so each byte of RAM
    // can track 8 blocks. Must be a multiple of 8.
    lfs_size_t lookahead_size;

    // Optional statically allocated read buffer. Must be cache_size.
    // By default lfs_malloc is used to allocate this buffer.
    void *read_buffer;

    // Optional statically allocated program buffer. Must be cache_size.
    // By default lfs_malloc is used to allocate this buffer.
    void *prog_buffer;

    // Optional statically allocated lookahead buffer. Must be lookahead_size
    // and aligned to a 32-bit boundary. By default lfs_malloc is used to
    // allocate this buffer.
    void *lookahead_buffer;

    // Optional upper limit on length of file names in bytes. No downside for
    // larger names except the size of the info struct which is controlled by
    // the LFS_NAME_MAX define. Defaults to LFS_NAME_MAX when zero. Stored in
    // superblock and must be respected by other littlefs drivers.
    lfs_size_t name_max;

    // Optional upper limit on files in bytes. No downside for larger files
    // but must be <= LFS_FILE_MAX. Defaults to LFS_FILE_MAX when zero. Stored
    // in superblock and must be respected by other littlefs drivers.
    lfs_size_t file_max;

    // Optional upper limit on custom attributes in bytes. No downside for
    // larger attributes size but must be <= LFS_ATTR_MAX. Defaults to
    // LFS_ATTR_MAX when zero.
    lfs_size_t attr_max;

i thought i can use it like a normal struct

something like:

lfs_config configFS1;

configFS1.prog_size = 53; //endtype of lfs_size_t is an integer…

but this don’t work and i have no idea why…

in the example given on github they use it like (shrinked to the most important things…)

const struct lfs_config cfg = {
        .read_size = 16,
        .prog_size = 16,
        .block_size = 4096,
        .block_count = 128,
        .cache_size = 16,
        .lookahead_size = 16,
        .block_cycles = 500,

But VS mark it with the following message: Out-of-order initializers are not standard in C ++. - But i have no idea what to do and can’t find anything on other threads…

but if i only use

const struct lfs_config cfg = {
        .read_size = 16,

No marked Error but the following message: “sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported” (found a few seconds ago)

What can i do to prevent these errors…

I simply want to use the “normal” LittleFS Libary (from Github) and not LittlfeFS from arduino because of extreme limitations in functionality, useability and there is no way to force “atomic sync”

Did anyone know what to do?!

Thanks for help :slight_smile:

greetings from Germany

You have to initialise all of the members of the struct, and you have to initialise them in the same order as in the declaration.

It’s a bit crappy.