Hi. I know how to upload file system image from the IDE but is there a way to do this from windows command line? I need to distribute new file system images to some users and they dont have access to IDE. I have the littlefs.bin filesystem image file.
I tried turning verbose on in the IDE but all I see is the system building the files system and no detail of commands that are used to upload the image…
This is what i see:
lash size: 2.00MB
Sketch size: 1.50MB
Filesystem size: 0.50MB
Maximium Sketch size: 1568768 EEPROM start: 0x101ff000 Filesystem start: 0x1017f000 Filesystem end: 0x101ff000
Building file system image from ‘data’ directory to .pio\build\pico\littlefs.bin
Looking for upload port…
Using manually specified: D:
Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port D:
Delaying a tiny bit…
Uploading .pio\build\pico\littlefs.bin
Loading into Flash: [ ] 0%
Rebooting device…
let me know if anyone knows how to do this via windows command line