I have in the Arduino IDE a RPI Pico RP2040 sketch that imports FreeRTOS. How do I do the same with platformio? Currently the build in platformio fails on an unknown inclusion of FreeRTOS.
FreeRTOS config file is in the library itself and I didn’t quickly see a way to redirect it. However, the config already has pretty much everything turned on already.
Thanks @maxgerhardt. This core looks very good. In the past I used wizio’s pico SDK but this Arduino core looks well maintained, rich, and flexible enough.
Hi @maxgerhardt, I played with the earlephilhower core and it’s very promising, with FreeRTOS and such, but it seems that the deployment for plamtree was optimized for the core library developers rather than users. For example, it surfaces a large number of local repositories per the screenshot below, and it takes long time for fetching all the underlying repositories.
It would be great if it can be migrated to the standard platformio experience.
We can save some space by creating an extra package for it that doesn’t include some of the deeper submodules (e.g. lots of TinyUSB in the pico-sdk), but a lot of it will be autoresolved by the next pico-sdk update (including the picosdk update). TinyUSB is the main “big chunk” in that.