Hello !
I forgot how to set up LOG Level for the ESP32 to be able to debug.
In ArduinoIDE should be something like this board-> esp32 dev module, tools -> Core debug level -> Verbose
. But how to do it in Platformio ?
I’ve read this: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp … m/log.html
And I have two problems with it: I can’t follow it, because I don’t understand what a file scope and component scope are and the second thing is that I didn’t do anything like that when I used LOG to debug.
I wrote some lines in void setup() like ESP_LOG_VERBOSE or something like that and it worked. I had also wrote something in platformio.ini.
Now I’ve just add
#include "esp_log.h"
at the top of the main.cpp
esp_log_level_set("*", ESP_LOG_ERROR); // set all components to ERROR level
esp_log_level_set("wifi", ESP_LOG_WARN); // enable WARN logs from WiFi stack
esp_log_level_set("dhcpc", ESP_LOG_INFO); // enable INFO logs from DHCP client
in void setup() .
And there are no log messages in Serial Monitor.
I am obviously doing something wrong but I am oblivious to what that may be.