How to rename spiffs.bin on build

Working with ESP32 Wroom, i want to rename spiffs.bin file on build. I success with firmware.bin, but i can’t find any doc about this topic.

Somebody can help ?

spiffs.bin is hardcoded.

So you’ll have to look into Advanced Scripting and use callbacks for

env.AddPostAction("$BUILD_DIR/spiffs.bin", callback...)

for copying the file to a new filename. If you rename the spiffs.bin, the SPIFFS upload will fail, since it looks for a spiffs.bin.


it runs. I can copy the file where i want.

The hardcoding of “spiffs.bin” is not a very good thing :wink: imho

Thanks for your usefull answer

Feauture-request for the devs at Issues · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub please :stuck_out_tongue:

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Done ! spiffs.bin hardcoded · Issue #332 · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub

Solved here

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