Hi there, the library has been deleted. Thanks for contacting us.
Wow that was fast, thank you!
Hi again @ivankravets. Turns out I had also published my stlljonas/Sensirion_Sensor_Auto_Detection library too early. Could you please delete this as well? I’ll republish via the Arduino registry. Thanks!
Hi Jonas. The library has been deleted.
Wonderful. Thanks for your help!
Hi @ivankravets
Created a duplicate lib on the registry, could you delete this one :
Thanks !
Hi @ivankravets
I also have a duplicate library in the register. A year ago I published a library for the Arduino IDE. This has also been automatically included in the PlatformIO registry. As this entry has never been updated, I have now added my library for PlatformIO manually. Because of a different user name, it now exists twice. Unfortunately, I cannot delete the old version.
Can the version:
be deleted by your team, please? Thanks.
The library has been deleted.
Happy coding with PlatformIO!
Thank you very much
Seems like if now version is provided the removal does not work. I get
HTTPClientError: Version ‘None’ not found
Which library version do you plan to remove?
I successfully deleted the entire library, but I had to do it version by version as I couldn’t use “pio pkg unpublish” without specifying a version number. I initially thought, based on the instructions, that this command would remove the entire library, but I encountered the error mentioned above. Thank you for your prompt response and the excellent work you’re doing.
P.S.: I attempted to donate to PIO recently, but encountered an error with the PayPal option and eventually had to give up.
Hello, could you remove this lib PlatformIO Registry, new: PlatformIO Registry. Thanks!
Done! The library has been deleted.
Hello, I need some help i need to remove some library from the Platform Registry but I can’t, because the deadline has been exceeded by 72 hours. Can i have more information about that. The registry who I want to delete are there Servient and applications.
Thank you for all your help.
Hi, I’m coming back to you, @ivankravets can you help me or tell me if it’s possible to delete these registers? If it’s possible i wanna delete also [uRDFLib ]. (PlatformIO Registry)
Hi. The package has been deleted.
Hello @ivankravets, I’m sorry to come back to you and bother you but can you also delete the other two registers please.
Thank you very much,
Have a good day.
Done! The packages listed above have been deleted.