How to remove a library from the registry?

Hi there, the library has been deleted. Thanks for contacting us.

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Wow that was fast, thank you!

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Hi again @ivankravets. Turns out I had also published my stlljonas/Sensirion_Sensor_Auto_Detection library too early. Could you please delete this as well? I’ll republish via the Arduino registry. Thanks!

Hi Jonas. The library has been deleted.

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Wonderful. Thanks for your help!

Hi @ivankravets
Created a duplicate lib on the registry, could you delete this one :

Thanks !

Please use pio pkg unpublish — PlatformIO latest documentation

Hi @ivankravets

I also have a duplicate library in the register. A year ago I published a library for the Arduino IDE. This has also been automatically included in the PlatformIO registry. As this entry has never been updated, I have now added my library for PlatformIO manually. Because of a different user name, it now exists twice. Unfortunately, I cannot delete the old version.

Can the version:

be deleted by your team, please? Thanks.


The library has been deleted.

Happy coding with PlatformIO!

Thank you very much :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seems like if now version is provided the removal does not work. I get
HTTPClientError: Version ‘None’ not found

Which library version do you plan to remove?

I successfully deleted the entire library, but I had to do it version by version as I couldn’t use “pio pkg unpublish” without specifying a version number. I initially thought, based on the instructions, that this command would remove the entire library, but I encountered the error mentioned above. Thank you for your prompt response and the excellent work you’re doing.

P.S.: I attempted to donate to PIO recently, but encountered an error with the PayPal option and eventually had to give up.

Hello, could you remove this lib PlatformIO Registry, new: PlatformIO Registry. Thanks!

Done! The library has been deleted.

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Hello, I need some help i need to remove some library from the Platform Registry but I can’t, because the deadline has been exceeded by 72 hours. Can i have more information about that. The registry who I want to delete are there Servient and applications.

Thank you for all your help.

Hi, I’m coming back to you, @ivankravets can you help me or tell me if it’s possible to delete these registers? If it’s possible i wanna delete also [uRDFLib ]. (PlatformIO Registry)

Hi. The package has been deleted.

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Hello @ivankravets, I’m sorry to come back to you and bother you but can you also delete the other two registers please.

Thank you very much,

Have a good day.

Done! The packages listed above have been deleted.