How to get platform.ini to see my sub folder?

Hi, if possible I would like to automatically have any files I place in my ‘Sensors’ folder included when I compile.

My platform.ini has …

lib_dir = lib/GB/My_libraries

This does find all files, but not my subfolder Sensors ?

I know i can do …

lib_deps =

 ; My sub directories 

But is there a better solution ?

My Structure

lib_dir is not recursive. When you set lib_dir = lib/GB/My_libraries, it expects to find the individual libraries as lib/GB/My_libraries/lib1, lib_dir = lib/GB/My_libraries/lib2, et cetera. You can also not specify multiple lib_dirs. Right now I don’t see a solution other than flattening the folder hierarchy.

Of course, you can always open a feature request in