I am new on platformio.
I use Windows 10 and a RP2040 board (similar to rapsberry pi pico).
I use the arduino framework with the wizio-pico extension because I would like to use some SDK functions.
Here is my platformio.ini file
platform = wizio-pico
board = raspberry-mstrens
framework = arduino
;monitor_port =
;monitor_speed = 115200
build_flags = -D LIB_PICO_STDIO_USB
When I upload a minimal sketch (e.g. hello word) and connect the USB cable, I do not find a COM port in windows device manager but a device named “Board CDC”.
I would like to know how I could get the USB/serial data in the platformIO Monitor.
Do I have to fill+activate the line “monitor_port =” in ini file (and how) or do I have to upload some extra soft/driver on windows (and which one)?