How to configure ATmega328p

i need some help in configuring my ini file so that i can load code to a custom atmega328p stand alone chip via an FTDI.
Here is how my file looks like.

platform 			= atmelavr
board 				= uno
framework 			= arduino
board_build.mcu 	= atmega328p
board_build.f_cpu 	= 16000000L
upload_port 		= COM15
upload_speed 		= 115200
monitor_speed 		= 115200
monitor_port 		= COM15

I bought the chip from the sender assuring me that they already had the arduino bootloader on them. But i dont know how to verify that.

All i get when trying to upload is like the screenshot below

How did you wire the FTDI to the ATMega328, especially regarding DTR/Reset?

Have you tried the old bootloader baud rate of 57600?

i wired the DTR to 100nF capacitor which is connected to a resistor the to the reset pin. The other end of the resistor is connected to the 5v source that is coming from the FTDI.

Yes i tried baudrates 1200, 2400, 4800, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 . but couldnt get a positive result. I haven’t bother with 9600

Can you draw that as a schematic so that we’re 100% on the same page of what it looks like?

I’ve used this design in previous ATMega328P boards and it worked just fine

The RX of the adapter goes correctly to the TX of the chip, and vice versa?

What about the crystal, does the chip have one? When the bootlaoder was programmed, they also set the fuses to something, so the chip may need an external clock now.

I also tried out with the configurations from this link here and it all looked as below

Your previous uno configuration should work just fine, it’s clearly an issue in either the wiring, the crystal, or the bootloader being wrong (either in content or in fuses).

If you can’t spot an error per above, I recommend building an ISP programmer using an Uno and setting it up accordingly. (Though if the fuses tell it to a crystal and there is none, you need to unbrick it by providing the clock).

This is how my circuit is wired. Exactly the way it looks. I removed the serial cable so everything will be visible

The FTDI has the following alignment of pins in the order of orientation like in the picture.


I assume when you say:

that you mean:

  • DTS → G3 on breadboard
  • RXD → G4
  • TXD → G5
  • 5V → G6
  • CTS → G7
  • GND → G8

If so, your wiring is “all over the shop” I’m afraid. The Atmega328P has no GND connection as your GND rail is connected to DTS and the 5V rail looks to be connected to TXD on the FTDI chip. (Maybe your list of connections is back to front?)

What markings are on the two capacitors connected to the crystal/ They should be 22 pF (marked 22) The remaining three capacitors should be marked 104 (100 nF).

This is a correct wirning image on the home page, which shows how to wire up an FTDI to a bare bones ATmega328P. I’ve built the circuit shown and it works perfectly.



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I just magnified the picture. The rightmost pin seems to be DTR, then you can decipher XD, so probably RXD. In other words, the order of pins is just mirrored.

The wiring to Pin 1 (RESET) is OK. Also RX and TX are wired OK. But then it seems to be the case that the wiring is upside-down (i.e., pin 1 is assumed to be at F22). The XTAL needs to be on the lower half (pin 9 and 10), e.g., C17 and C18. Vcc should be pin 7, e.g. A15, and GND pin 8, e.g. A16 (already there). Now adjust the Vcc and GND on the upper half. Vcc to pin 20, e.g., I17, and GND pin 22, e.g. I15 (already there).

Now you should have blocking caps between the Vcc and GND pins on the upper and lower half. Use ceramic 100nF, not a 10µF as in the photo. Finally, the resistor value looks funny. brown-black-black-gold is 10Ω in my book. It should 10kΩ.

Hope that helps,
Bernhard (