How do I determine release version of arduino-esp32 used in latest framework-arduinoespressif32?

I am using release version 6.32 of platformio-arduinoespressif32 and it doesn’t seem to have the latest updates to WiFiMulti.

Is there any way to see what version of arduino-esp32 is included in the latest version of platformio-arduinoespressif32?

Latest mainline espressif32 platform release is 6.8.1, not 6.3.2. It contains Arduino-ESP32 v2.0.17.

Forks like support the latest Arduino-ESP32 3.x.

Ahhh - I think I didn’t run the right update command…
I now have 6.8.1 installed.

Unfortunately, the changes I need are in v3.x

The fork you referenced above mentions that the official espressif32 has a “lack of ongoing development” and in turn referenced a thread Documentation - Update supported IDEs and general improvements by lucasssvaz · Pull Request #8606 · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub that seems to suggest that espressif is not very interested in supporting the PIO/VS IDE.

  • Any sense on when, if ever, mainline will support v3.x?

  • Is the fork referenced above considered “stable” and “well-supported” by the PIO community?

  • Is the general sense of the community that one should move to a fork like the one listed above or should one generally stick with the official espressif version unless one really needs the latest 3.x features?

Even if the answer isn’t totally straightforward, it would be helpful to get some pointers so I can at least make the right decision for my situation :slight_smile:
And I don’t want to be stuck on a “dead-end”, “unsupported” path :slight_smile:

If the fork works for you, it works for you.

One of the maintainers for the pioarduino fork is also a maintainer of Tasmota, who has very much an interest in this thing working, as Tasmota is very popular. So personally, I would say it’s a good fork.

There has been no movement on the Espressif side to come to an agreement with PlatformIO since this comment.

To answer the pure question:

The Arduino and ESP-IDF versions are mentioned in the release notes.

For the sake of simplicity, I have created an overview which also includes pioarduino.