How Can I Upgrade my PlatformIO/VS Code IDE to Use the v 3.0 Arduino-ESP32 APIs?

I am trying to compile some C code for the ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 using timers in a PlatformIO project on VS Code. I am trying to use the new(?) hardware/timer code in version 3 of the Arduino ESP32 extension, but my VS Code seems to be using version 2 as evidenced by this compiler error:

src/main.cpp:41:44: error: too few arguments to function 'hw_timer_t* timerBegin(uint8_t, uint16_t, bool)'

In version 2, the function signature for timerBegin is 'hw_timer_t* timerBegin(uint8_t, uint16_t, bool), but in version 3 the signature is 'hw_timer_t* timerBegin(uint32_t)', which is the version I need to use. arduino-esp32 migration guide

I am not sure how to upgrade my PlatformIO or VS code IDE to use the new APIs. I have tried Configure ESP-IDF Extension and Add Arduino ESP32 as ESP-IDF Comnponwent IDE, and I am at ESP-IDF v 1.9.1, ESP v 5.3.1, but I can’t seem to find a way to upgrade the Arduino ESP32 bit.

My apologies if this is strictly a VS code problem. I am new to VS code and PlatformnIO and ESP32 programming, so I am just looking for some guidance.

The updated PioArduino platform provides Arduino-ESP32 3.x (and accompanying ESP-IDF) integration to PlatformIO. You essentially only have to change the platform = ... line in your platformio.ini. The project’s README file will tell you exactly how.

Thanks for the information. It worked like a charm!