Help Serial Monitor

I tried with the device “NodeMcu Lua ESP8266 ESP-12E WIFI”, I set platformio.ini → [env: nodemcuv2]; platform = expressif8266; board = nodemcuv2; framework = arduino; monitor_speed = 115200 ← I tested the classic program (Serial.printf (“Hello World! \ n”);), the Build and Upload task are OK but the output of the Serial Monitor is: (Executing task in folder cycondron: C: \ Users \ Paolo3507 \ .platformio \ penv \ Scripts \ platformio.exe device monitor <
— Miniterm on COM7 115200,8, N, 1 —
— Quit: Ctrl + C | Menu: Ctrl + T | Help: Ctrl + T followed by Ctrl + H —
␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀ … )
Why ?

Did you use


in your code setup function to set the baudrate ?

Si , ma non mi ero accorto che avevo messo 9600 anzichè 115200.
Grazie mille ora funziona tutto.