Help needed with STATUS LED´S in Floor Heating Controller

Hi All.

I am new to coding - and I mean very new to coding, so i hope some of you can help me.

I have some code, which runs on an ESP8266 - the code is for controlling af floor heating system via Modbus. The code works great as it is, but I have build a box for the electronics, and would like to have leds, which shows the status of the system.

I have added 3 leds (they are defined in a separate configuration.h file for the project.

I have tried to make an LED for the Power of the ESP - an LED for the WIFI (ON or OFF) - and an LED for the MQTT connection ( On and Off).

For now, I have the LED´s only to show status by being on or off. I would like to have them blinking when the status is off.

So if the wifi is off the Wifi LED should blink together with the MQTT led. If the MQTT is off then only the MQTT LED should blink.

I can provide the code as I have it for now :slight_smile:

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include "WavinController.h"
#include "PrivateConfig.h"

// MQTT defines
// Esp8266 MAC will be added to the device name, to ensure unique topics
// Default is topics like 'heat/floorXXXXXXXXXXXX/3/target', where 3 is the output id and XXXXXXXXXXXX is the mac
const String   MQTT_PREFIX              = "heat/";       // include tailing '/' in prefix
const String   MQTT_DEVICE_NAME         = "floor";       // only alfanumeric and no '/'
const String   MQTT_ONLINE              = "/online";      
const String   MQTT_SUFFIX_CURRENT      = "/current";    // include heading '/' in all suffixes
const String   MQTT_SUFFIX_SETPOINT_GET = "/target";
const String   MQTT_SUFFIX_SETPOINT_SET = "/target_set";
const String   MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_GET     = "/mode";
const String   MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_SET     = "/mode_set";
const String   MQTT_SUFFIX_BATTERY      = "/battery";
const String   MQTT_SUFFIX_OUTPUT       = "/output";

const String   MQTT_VALUE_MODE_STANDBY  = "off";
const String   MQTT_VALUE_MODE_MANUAL   = "heat";

const String   MQTT_CLIENT = "Wavin-AHC-9000-mqtt";       // mqtt client_id prefix. Will be suffixed with Esp8266 mac to make it unique
const uint16_t MQTT_PORT   = 1883;                        // mqtt port

String mqttDeviceNameWithMac;
String mqttClientWithMac;

// Operating mode is controlled by the MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_ topic.
// When mode is set to MQTT_VALUE_MODE_MANUAL, temperature is set to the value of MQTT_SUFFIX_SETPOINT_
// When mode is set to MQTT_VALUE_MODE_STANDBY, the following temperature will be used
const float STANDBY_TEMPERATURE_DEG = 5.0;

const uint8_t TX_ENABLE_PIN = 5;
const bool SWAP_SERIAL_PINS = true;
const uint16_t RECIEVE_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;

WiFiClient wifiClient;
PubSubClient mqttClient(wifiClient);

unsigned long lastUpdateTime = 0;

const uint16_t POLL_TIME_MS = 5000;

struct lastKnownValue_t {
  uint16_t temperature;
  uint16_t setpoint;
  uint16_t battery;
  uint16_t status;
  uint16_t mode;
} lastSentValues[WavinController::NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS];

const uint16_t LAST_VALUE_UNKNOWN = 0xFFFF;

bool configurationPublished[WavinController::NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS];

// Read a float value from a non zero terminated array of bytes and
// return 10 times the value as an integer
uint16_t temperatureFromString(String payload)
  float targetf = payload.toFloat();
  return (unsigned short)(targetf * 10);

// Returns temperature in degrees with one decimal
String temperatureAsFloatString(uint16_t temperature)
  float temperatureAsFloat = ((float)temperature) / 10;
  return String(temperatureAsFloat, 1);

uint8_t getIdFromTopic(char* topic)
  unsigned int startIndex = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/").length();
  int i = 0;
  uint8_t result = 0;

  while(topic[startIndex+i] != '/' && i<3)
    result = result * 10 + (topic[startIndex+i]-'0');

  return result;

void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length)
  String topicString = String(topic);
  char terminatedPayload[length+1];
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<length; i++)
    terminatedPayload[i] = payload[i];
  terminatedPayload[length] = 0;
  String payloadString = String(terminatedPayload);

  uint8_t id = getIdFromTopic(topic);

    uint16_t target = temperatureFromString(payloadString);
    wavinController.writeRegister(WavinController::CATEGORY_PACKED_DATA, id, WavinController::PACKED_DATA_MANUAL_TEMPERATURE, target);
  else if(topicString.endsWith(MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_SET))
    if(payloadString == MQTT_VALUE_MODE_MANUAL) 
    else if (payloadString == MQTT_VALUE_MODE_STANDBY)

  // Force re-read of registers from controller now
  lastUpdateTime = 0;


void resetLastSentValues()
  for(int8_t i=0; i<WavinController::NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; i++)
    lastSentValues[i].temperature = LAST_VALUE_UNKNOWN;
    lastSentValues[i].setpoint = LAST_VALUE_UNKNOWN;
    lastSentValues[i].battery = LAST_VALUE_UNKNOWN;
    lastSentValues[i].status = LAST_VALUE_UNKNOWN;
    lastSentValues[i].mode = LAST_VALUE_UNKNOWN;

    configurationPublished[i] = false;

void publishIfNewValue(String topic, String payload, uint16_t newValue, uint16_t *lastSentValue)
  if (newValue != *lastSentValue)
    if (mqttClient.publish(topic.c_str(), payload.c_str(), true))
        *lastSentValue = newValue;
      *lastSentValue = LAST_VALUE_UNKNOWN;

// Publish discovery messages for HomeAssistant
// See
void publishConfiguration(uint8_t channel)
  String climateTopic = String("homeassistant/climate/" + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + "/config");
  String climateMessage = String(
    "{\"name\": \"" +mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "_" + channel +  "_climate\", "
    "\"current_temperature_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_CURRENT + "\", " 
    "\"temperature_command_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_SETPOINT_SET + "\", " 
    "\"temperature_state_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_SETPOINT_GET + "\", " 
    "\"mode_command_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_SET + "\", " 
    "\"mode_state_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_GET + "\", " 
    "\"modes\": [\"" + MQTT_VALUE_MODE_MANUAL + "\", \"" + MQTT_VALUE_MODE_STANDBY + "\"], " 
    "\"availability_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + MQTT_ONLINE +"\", "
    "\"payload_available\": \"True\", "
    "\"payload_not_available\": \"False\", "
    "\"qos\": \"0\"}"
  String batteryTopic = String("homeassistant/sensor/" + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + "/config");
  String batteryMessage = String(
    "{\"name\": \"" +mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "_" + channel +  "_battery\", "
    "\"state_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + "/battery\", " 
    "\"availability_topic\": \"" + MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + MQTT_ONLINE +"\", "
    "\"payload_available\": \"True\", "
    "\"payload_not_available\": \"False\", "
    "\"device_class\": \"battery\", "
    "\"unit_of_measurement\": \"%\", "
    "\"qos\": \"0\"}"

  mqttClient.publish(climateTopic.c_str(), climateMessage.c_str(), true);  
  mqttClient.publish(batteryTopic.c_str(), batteryMessage.c_str(), true);
  configurationPublished[channel] = true;

void setup()
  //Setup Pinmodes for status LED´s

  pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); // LED connected on PIN D2 as output (WIFI Indicator - Blue LED).

  pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); // LED connected on PIN D5 as output (MQTT Indicator - Blue LED).

  pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT); // LED connected on PIN D4 as output (Power indicator - White LED).

  uint8_t mac[6];

  char macStr[13] = {0};
  sprintf(macStr, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);

  mqttDeviceNameWithMac = String(MQTT_DEVICE_NAME + macStr);
  mqttClientWithMac = String(MQTT_CLIENT + macStr);

  mqttClient.setServer(MQTT_SERVER.c_str(), MQTT_PORT);

void loop()
  digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH); // Turn on white LED to indicate that the ESP is powered.

  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID.c_str(), WIFI_PASS.c_str());

    if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED)

  if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)

    digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // Turn on blue LED when WIFI is connected

    if (!mqttClient.connected())
      String will = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + MQTT_ONLINE);
      if (mqttClient.connect(mqttClientWithMac.c_str(), MQTT_USER.c_str(), MQTT_PASS.c_str(), will.c_str(), 1, true, "False"))


        digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); // Turn on blue LED when MQTT is connected

        String setpointSetTopic = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/+" + MQTT_SUFFIX_SETPOINT_SET);
        mqttClient.subscribe(setpointSetTopic.c_str(), 1);

        String modeSetTopic = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/+" + MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_SET);
        mqttClient.subscribe(modeSetTopic.c_str(), 1);

        mqttClient.publish(will.c_str(), (const uint8_t *)"True", 4, true);

        // Forces resending of all parameters to server
        digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); // Turn off blue LED when MQTT is disconnected
        digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); // Turn off blue LED when WIFI is disconnected

    // Process incomming messages and maintain connection to the server

    if (lastUpdateTime + POLL_TIME_MS < millis())
      lastUpdateTime = millis();

      uint16_t registers[11];

      for(uint8_t channel = 0; channel < WavinController::NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; channel++)
        if (wavinController.readRegisters(WavinController::CATEGORY_CHANNELS, channel, WavinController::CHANNELS_PRIMARY_ELEMENT, 1, registers))
          uint16_t primaryElement = registers[0] & WavinController::CHANNELS_PRIMARY_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_MASK;
          bool allThermostatsLost = registers[0] & WavinController::CHANNELS_PRIMARY_ELEMENT_ALL_TP_LOST_MASK;

              // Channel not used

            uint16_t standbyTemperature = STANDBY_TEMPERATURE_DEG * 10;
            wavinController.writeRegister(WavinController::CATEGORY_PACKED_DATA, channel, WavinController::PACKED_DATA_STANDBY_TEMPERATURE, standbyTemperature);

          // Read the current setpoint programmed for channel
          if (wavinController.readRegisters(WavinController::CATEGORY_PACKED_DATA, channel, WavinController::PACKED_DATA_MANUAL_TEMPERATURE, 1, registers))
            uint16_t setpoint = registers[0];

            String topic = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_SETPOINT_GET);
            String payload = temperatureAsFloatString(setpoint);

            publishIfNewValue(topic, payload, setpoint, &(lastSentValues[channel].setpoint));

          // Read the current mode for the channel
          if (wavinController.readRegisters(WavinController::CATEGORY_PACKED_DATA, channel, WavinController::PACKED_DATA_CONFIGURATION, 1, registers))
            uint16_t mode = registers[0] & WavinController::PACKED_DATA_CONFIGURATION_MODE_MASK; 

            String topic = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_MODE_GET);
            if(mode == WavinController::PACKED_DATA_CONFIGURATION_MODE_STANDBY)
              publishIfNewValue(topic, MQTT_VALUE_MODE_STANDBY, mode, &(lastSentValues[channel].mode));
            else if(mode == WavinController::PACKED_DATA_CONFIGURATION_MODE_MANUAL)
              publishIfNewValue(topic, MQTT_VALUE_MODE_MANUAL, mode, &(lastSentValues[channel].mode));

          // Read the current status of the output for channel
          if (wavinController.readRegisters(WavinController::CATEGORY_CHANNELS, channel, WavinController::CHANNELS_TIMER_EVENT, 1, registers))
            uint16_t status = registers[0] & WavinController::CHANNELS_TIMER_EVENT_OUTP_ON_MASK;

            String topic = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_OUTPUT);
            String payload;
            if (status & WavinController::CHANNELS_TIMER_EVENT_OUTP_ON_MASK)
              payload = "on";
              payload = "off";

            publishIfNewValue(topic, payload, status, &(lastSentValues[channel].status));

          // If a thermostat for the channel is connected to the controller
            // Read values from the primary thermostat connected to this channel 
            // Primary element from controller is returned as index+1, so 1 i subtracted here to read the correct element
            if (wavinController.readRegisters(WavinController::CATEGORY_ELEMENTS, primaryElement-1, 0, 11, registers))
              uint16_t temperature = registers[WavinController::ELEMENTS_AIR_TEMPERATURE];
              uint16_t battery = registers[WavinController::ELEMENTS_BATTERY_STATUS]; // In 10% steps

              String topic = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_CURRENT);
              String payload = temperatureAsFloatString(temperature);

              publishIfNewValue(topic, payload, temperature, &(lastSentValues[channel].temperature));

              topic = String(MQTT_PREFIX + mqttDeviceNameWithMac + "/" + channel + MQTT_SUFFIX_BATTERY);
              payload = String(battery*10);

              publishIfNewValue(topic, payload, battery, &(lastSentValues[channel].battery));

        // Process incomming messages and maintain connection to the server

Your post is dating now, but I think this can help some people getting a status LED functioning quickly.

Have a look at this library statusled

You can set it ON / OFF with


You can set it to blink every second with

ledSetBlink(1, 50);

and so on…