Help for best partitions.csv with ESP32


I am struggling a bit with configuring my partitions.csv. I read some documents with e.g. an OTA partition and before I reset everything in a wrong way its perhaps better to ask:

The main topics I like to achieve:

  • Using ArduinoOTA (with a back OTA partition - that I understand it is that…)
  • Having a large nvs partition as I save recurrently data to it and like to avoid wear issues with flash
  • having a core dump partition
  • assigning the whole flash available (4M)

That is the partition.csv I have. I understood that nvs is nvs storage, phy_init for hardware like Wifi, factory the application and coredump for storing a coredump.
ImpulseSmartMeter/partitions.csv at mqtt_update · NilsRo/ImpulseSmartMeter

Many thanks in advance,

I think it is best to start with the default.csv. This is for devices with 4 MB and offers you 20 kB NVS, two OTA partitions with 1.25 MB for the app, 1.375 MB file system and a partition for the core dump.

If the 20 kB for the NVS is not sufficient, replace it with the partition for the file system:

# Name,   Type, SubType, Offset,  Size, Flags
otadata,  data, ota,     0xe000,  0x2000,
app0,     app,  ota_0,   0x10000, 0x140000,
app1,     app,  ota_1,   0x150000,0x140000,
nvs,      data, nvs,     0x290000,0x160000,
coredump, data, coredump,0x3F0000,0x10000,


I tried the last scheme and can see that the flash memory become larger. Is there something special to do with ArduinoOTA that the OTA partitions are used?

No, there is nothing more to do.
The partitions are used automatically.

Perfect, many thanks!

Thank you for sharing this information…
