When I try to install esphome to the ESP8266, I keep getting this:
Tool Manager: Warning! Package Mirror: Got the unrecognized status code '404' when downloaded https://dl.registry.ns3.platformio.org/tools/e2/e2/e85d0d8ceb0a5d75ef21767e4f882d475f4ee91a74da18c0bc71705e032f/toolchain-xtensa-linux_aarch64-2.100300.220621.tar.gz
WARNING Warning! Package Mirror: Got the unrecognized status code '404' when downloaded https://dl.registry.ns3.platformio.org/tools/e2/e2/e85d0d8ceb0a5d75ef21767e4f882d475f4ee91a74da18c0bc71705e032f/toolchain-xtensa-linux_aarch64-2.100300.220621.tar.gz
Tool Manager: Looking for another mirror...
WARNING Looking for another mirror...
I found a similar issue on GitHub, and a member of the esphome organization said that this may be a problem with platformio.
I would greatly appreciate any help.