Gcov and lcov for esp32 project

Hi I have developed a platformio project for esp32 using the arduino framework and some external libs.
I would like to run gcov and lcov on the the uni test on the esp32.
I wa able to run them without gcov and lcov…
How can I run on the native env (host pc) … which is the process ?

Thanks a lot

platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
check_tool = cppcheck
check_flags = cppcheck: --enable=all --language=c++ --addon=misra.json
lib_ldf_mode = deep
lib_deps =
  me-no-dev/ESP Async WebServer@^1.2.3
; Custom Serial Monitor speed (baud rate)
monitor_speed = 115200

platform = native
lib_ldf_mode = deep
lib_deps =
    me-no-dev/ESP Async WebServer@^1.2.3
 build_flags =

You can actually do that, but you need to implement a few functoins like _write and _open to hijack the writing of the coverage file and redirect them to UART (or print a command that when entered into the GDB console dumps that memory content into the file). That’s e.g. showcased in Code Coverage for Embedded Target with Eclipse, gcc and gcov | MCU on Eclipse.

Please see Redirecting..., especially the example projects repository. When using it in an Arduino-based project, you probably want to use ArduinoFake.