Freertos on NUCLEO STM32F103RB cmsis framework

Hey everyone,

I’m working on nucleo stm32f103rb, using cmsis framework (in platform IO). I want to add freertos in my project. Actually what I did, I brought freertos files to my project (c files in src directory and header files in include directory). I got some errors compilation. I’m asking, there is a way to use freertos for stm32f103rb with CMSIS framework?


Does this help?

Or this? but you might have to change the framework in your project.

There’s also a video on You Tube, from late last year regarding PlatformIO and freertos at



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Sure, you’ll have to copy in the FreeRTOS base and port files (for your: Cortex-M3 without MPU) and add your FreeRTOSConfig.h – also maybe something regarding that the interrupt handler names match those expected by the startup file (for PendSV, SysTick / Timer etc.)