Framwork is recompiled each time, and Intellisense is rebuild every seconds


Whenever I’m building my code, all my sources files are compiled along with the framework.
Then after, IntelliSense index keeps rebuild every second.

My current project uses a STM32 nucleo board with arduino framework.

When I debug my code, only the touched code is compiled. And IntelliSense rebuild isn’t called repetitively.

This has several annoyances:

  • compile time is much longer: 18 seconds against 4 when just my source file is compiled
  • each time the intellisense index is rebuilt, the file explorer panel lost the focus (or so) and renaming a file is impossible.

Exiting vscode and reopening the project calms down intellisense rebuild until next build.
Restarting extension host works also.

Here is my environment:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Linuxmint
Description:    Linux Mint 20
Release:        20
Codename:       ulyana

$ code --version

$ pio --version
PlatformIO, version 5.0.1

$ python --version
Python 3.8.2

Thanks for your help.
++ Simulot


I’m having the same issue (except for the intellisense rebuild that’s ok), albeit on osx and with marlin. did you ever solve this recompiling everything issue?
