Framework Arduino ESP8266, how to downgrade to 2.3.0 core?

Current version of PlatformIO framework is based on ESP8266-Arduino core v.2.4.1,
however if i want to downgrade to ESP8266-Arduino core v.2.3.0. How can I do this objective?

Thank you.

  • Redirecting...
  • PlatformIO IDE > PIO Home > Platforms > Embedded > Espressif 8266 > Changelog
platform = espressif8266@1.5.0

Thank you.

and if I want to use ESP-IDF current version from
GitHub - espressif/esp-idf: Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for Espressif SoCs. lastest dev. or lastest stable version( 3.1-beta1),
how to config them?

Yes, my newly installed PlatformIO was using “Espressif 8266 @ 4.2.1” which appears to be incompatible with FastLED when combined with WiFi.


In VSCode…

PlatformIO > PIO Home > Platforms > Embedded > Scroll to Espressif 8266 and click
Dropdown select version 2.6.3… Click install
You will now have 2 versions of Espressif 8266 listed under PIO Home > Platforms > Installed

Now go to your project’s platformio.ini file and change
platform = espressif8266
platform = espressif8266@2.6.3

Things work fine again.

If that is the case, and you’ve verified that it does work with the latest ESP8266 core version in the Arduino IDE, then please file an issue in so that this can be resolved properly instead of downgrading to ancient versions.