Forked Github Repo, three different boards, how to handle this in Platformio?

I have forked and modified a project that was developped in Arduino IDE.

It is one github repository with three folders that each contains different code for two different ESP32 boards: two TTGO LoRa boards and one Lilygo T-Display S3.
Each boards serves a different purpose (and uses different libraries): one transmitter (LoRa), one receiver (LoRa) and one monitor (T-Display).

When I import the project into Visual Studio Code / Platform IO, one platformio.ini is created in the root folder.

My understanding is that I need one platformio.ini, one lib folder, one src folder with a main.cpp file per board, correct ?

Should I just create a new, separate github repository for each board ?

What’s the best approach?

The easy way is to make three different projects.

But there is also the possibility to create a single project which contains three different environments in the platformio.ini.
Each environment must then be assigned a source code directory using src_dir or using build_src_filter