Hello, sorry for, probably, such a simple question, trying to switch from Arduino IDE to VSCode+Platformio for ESP32 projects, so they don’t take half a day to compile, and I had a project in Arduino IDE using ESP32S2 that uses this header file:
#include “driver/temperature_sensor.h”
After installing Platformio in VSCode I imported this project, renamed the .ino file to .cpp, added #include “Arduino.h” and the necessary libraries like adafruit_gfx, onewire, dallastemperature etc using the PIO Home>Projects>(projectname)-Configure>Library Options and it will compile fine, but part of the project also requires monitoring the internal chip temperature that uses that temperature_sensor.h, but I cannot figure out how to add the necessary path information so the compiler knows where to find this.
As far as I understand it, in Arduino IDE it is done automatically somehow, and the necessary files are located “C:\Users(username)\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\tools\esp32-arduino-libs\idf-release_v5.1-bd2b9390ef\esp32s2\include\driver\temperature_sensor\include\driver\temperature_sensor.h”
But what must I do in Platformio to let the compiler find it?