Failed to install PlatformIO IDE.(win 10&&vscode)

Here’s some message:

Could it be permissions or network/proxy/firewall related? I see errors about connection failed and HTTP retry failures?

Yes.But I can visit in my browser.
And what should I do if it’s permissions or network/proxy/firewall related problems?

re: permissions - I’m mainly wondering if you installed VSCode as one user, and are now running as a different one. i.e. make sure C:\Users\Administrator\.vscode and all the subfolders are owned by the user 'Administrator`, and you are running as that user.

re: network/firewall… make sure VSCode is permitted in the firewall settings… I don’t remember getting any prompts through when I installed it… so this is more an issue that might arise in corporate/education settings?

EDIT: And you should be trying, not … different part of the site.

I got only one usr admin and I got access to
:frowning: still dont know what to do

Are you using a network proxy? If so, even if you have configured VSCode’s settings, you could be running into issues with the fact it doesn’t appear to be working properly :-/

I didn’t configure VSCode’s settings and the default configuration are as following:
“http.proxy”: “{ "http.proxyStrictSSL":false, "http.proxy":"" }”

Huh? No it isn’t. By default, it’s not set at all (on Linux, or Windows, at least).

i.e. this is the contents of my settings.json, and I am not using a proxy, nor have I touched the proxy settings.